I ordered two of these chairs and put one together when I received it. First impression is that it was packed well, instructions were clear on what to do and it went together well. Some other reviews warned the color is darker than pictured but I am still a bit disappointed it is so dark, definitely a burgundy or wine color, not red at all. There is also some wrinkles in the fabric on the lower front that appears the fabric was pulled too tight when stapled to the frame, doubtful they will come out. The seat itself is firm but the back could use a bit more cushioning. especially in the lumbar region. I can also feel the frame when I sit back. Its not a bad little chair but not sure Im going to keep them. Ill live with it a day or two before I decide.
Its okay
I ordered two of these chairs and put one together when I received it. First impression is that it was packed well, instructions were clear on what to do and it went together well. Some other reviews warned the color is darker than pictured but I am still a bit disappointed it is so dark, definitely a burgundy or wine color, not red at all. There is also some wrinkles in the fabric on the lower front that appears the fabric was pulled too tight when stapled to the frame, doubtful they will come out. The seat itself is firm but the back could use a bit more cushioning. especially in the lumbar region. I can also feel the frame when I sit back. Its not a bad little chair but not sure Im going to keep them. Ill live with it a day or two before I decide.