I got two chairs and one was perfect but the other had a block turned wrong. They wanted to know if I was lying about it. The block broke because it was glued on and screwed on so wasnt able to fix it correctly. They said that they didnt have any more that color. But all I needed was the block. If it wasnt for that it would have been a great deal and nice chairs just too bad I only get one instead of the two I paid for. But in the end they refunded for the broken chair and made it right and thats all you can ask for
Things happen.
I got two chairs and one was perfect but the other had a block turned wrong. They wanted to know if I was lying about it. The block broke because it was glued on and screwed on so wasnt able to fix it correctly. They said that they didnt have any more that color. But all I needed was the block. If it wasnt for that it would have been a great deal and nice chairs just too bad I only get one instead of the two I paid for. But in the end they refunded for the broken chair and made it right and thats all you can ask for