I purchase a set so the first was a little challenging to put together, but I had the hang of it by the second. I had initially purchased a single chair similar in style from another seller. I got these specifically because I needed two additional and the price fit what I was able to spend. These chairs are both a little smaller in seat area which wasnt a huge deal but less comfortable. Also the back is straighter and less of a curve (think airline seat). These are good and compliment a small area and temporary guest seating for entertaining, but probably would not buy again due to comfort of chair.
Nice accent but NOT comfortable...
I purchase a set so the first was a little challenging to put together, but I had the hang of it by the second. I had initially purchased a single chair similar in style from another seller. I got these specifically because I needed two additional and the price fit what I was able to spend. These chairs are both a little smaller in seat area which wasnt a huge deal but less comfortable. Also the back is straighter and less of a curve (think airline seat). These are good and compliment a small area and temporary guest seating for entertaining, but probably would not buy again due to comfort of chair.