It was easy. Overall, I really love this bed frame. Its sturdy, physically appealing, and was right around the price point I wanted to stay at. With that being said, this probably took me a solid 5 hours to put together. The directions arent hard to follow, but its easy to get confused. At the very end, all the slats for the support of the frame didnt line up perfectly, and I had to have someone else push HARD to get them to line up. Overall, I love it, I just hope I never have to take it apart and put it together again.
Beautiful! But time consuming.
It was easy. Overall, I really love this bed frame. Its sturdy, physically appealing, and was right around the price point I wanted to stay at. With that being said, this probably took me a solid 5 hours to put together. The directions arent hard to follow, but its easy to get confused. At the very end, all the slats for the support of the frame didnt line up perfectly, and I had to have someone else push HARD to get them to line up. Overall, I love it, I just hope I never have to take it apart and put it together again.