I was a little worried. I felt like a hammock should be around 100 but this was a gift from my grandson to his mother. He is only 6 and I felt the price was about right for him. It was better than I could have hoped. It holds well and you can actually swing, no fear of it coming apart or falling. I find her out in it all the time. Conside the price of some of those wicker hanging egg chairs this is a great find. Very Sturdy product.
I was a little worried. I felt like a hammock should be around 100 but this was a gift from my grandson to his mother. He is only 6 and I felt the price was about right for him. It was better than I could have hoped. It holds well and you can actually swing, no fear of it coming apart or falling. I find her out in it all the time. Conside the price of some of those wicker hanging egg chairs this is a great find. Very Sturdy product.