The bed is GREAT. VERY sturdy. I bought it for my 18 year old 6 ft, not thin, but not chubby either, son. And it will hold up just fine! They instructions are good. It was fairly easy to put together. I would suggest next time for them to LABEL the hardware. They were on a card in plastic bubbles so it would have been easy to label them. It was not clear what hardware when with which piece unless you are an expert. In my opinion. The bed is awesome! I am so glad we got it!
The bed is GREAT. VERY sturdy
The bed is GREAT. VERY sturdy. I bought it for my 18 year old 6 ft, not thin, but not chubby either, son. And it will hold up just fine! They instructions are good. It was fairly easy to put together. I would suggest next time for them to LABEL the hardware. They were on a card in plastic bubbles so it would have been easy to label them. It was not clear what hardware when with which piece unless you are an expert. In my opinion. The bed is awesome! I am so glad we got it!