Perfect for my needs I ordered this as a first bed for my son since he was getting too big for his toddler bed and was ready for his first big kid bed. He loves it! I assembled it by myself and it took almost 3 hours but time would probably be cut in half with someone helping. Some steps should have two people to make it easier but I made it work. I felt the directions were easy to follow, mostly just pictures put all parts were labeled.
Great bed
Perfect for my needs I ordered this as a first bed for my son since he was getting too big for his toddler bed and was ready for his first big kid bed. He loves it! I assembled it by myself and it took almost 3 hours but time would probably be cut in half with someone helping. Some steps should have two people to make it easier but I made it work. I felt the directions were easy to follow, mostly just pictures put all parts were labeled.