This is like the real deal! My 4 year old loves this Jeep! The front headlights work, along with the headlamps over the seat. It plays music, has a horn, and an mp3 cord attachment to play through your phone. Works very well in the grass and also on pavement. Battery life isnt the best, however, we only use it for an hour or so and then go on to play with something else... Once its fully charged again, we play with it the next day. Its great!
This is like the real deal
This is like the real deal! My 4 year old loves this Jeep! The front headlights work, along with the headlamps over the seat. It plays music, has a horn, and an mp3 cord attachment to play through your phone. Works very well in the grass and also on pavement. Battery life isnt the best, however, we only use it for an hour or so and then go on to play with something else... Once its fully charged again, we play with it the next day. Its great!