Packaged beautifully, all parts individually wrapped or in dust bags (props!), and in good shape. Great assembly instructions.
Its super cute, but very stiff. The fabric isnt high quality and stretches if sat upon, causing slackness. My purpose is for show only, in a spare room, and it will never be used, so thats all fine. If youre wanting a comfy, sink into it, and watch TV couch, move on. Durability absolutely questionable, but it is pretty Overall you got what you paid for.
Pretty But Uncomfortable
Packaged beautifully, all parts individually wrapped or in dust bags (props!), and in good shape. Great assembly instructions. Its super cute, but very stiff. The fabric isnt high quality and stretches if sat upon, causing slackness. My purpose is for show only, in a spare room, and it will never be used, so thats all fine. If youre wanting a comfy, sink into it, and watch TV couch, move on. Durability absolutely questionable, but it is pretty Overall you got what you paid for.