When I purchased they were less. The box arrived like it had been through a war and parts were missing. The seller eventually replaced the parts weeks later, but that box arrived in the same fashion and by that time wed made our own adjustments. The look pretty, but if you actually use them for sitting they will get this weird crease. For now it seems that crease disappears if you dont sit in them for awhile after that. So basically use for decoration.
not worth the new increased price for sure!
When I purchased they were less. The box arrived like it had been through a war and parts were missing. The seller eventually replaced the parts weeks later, but that box arrived in the same fashion and by that time wed made our own adjustments. The look pretty, but if you actually use them for sitting they will get this weird crease. For now it seems that crease disappears if you dont sit in them for awhile after that. So basically use for decoration.