I ordered two of these chairs. They are the perfect size and appear to be very nice in appearance but I was disappointed. One of the legs on one of the chairs is shorter than the rest, so the chair is very wobbly. I feel like the craftsmanship should be better when it comes to this. No one wants to pay for a wobbly chair. If it wasnt for this, I would have gave the chair a higher review. We shall see how they hold up because now Im skeptical. The second chair that I ordered was just fine, no issues. Im just going to keep both because I dont want to deal with the hassle of the return of a large product such as this. I can tell you my husband is not happy and says we should return both.
I received a wobbly chair with uneven legs
I ordered two of these chairs. They are the perfect size and appear to be very nice in appearance but I was disappointed. One of the legs on one of the chairs is shorter than the rest, so the chair is very wobbly. I feel like the craftsmanship should be better when it comes to this. No one wants to pay for a wobbly chair. If it wasnt for this, I would have gave the chair a higher review. We shall see how they hold up because now Im skeptical. The second chair that I ordered was just fine, no issues. Im just going to keep both because I dont want to deal with the hassle of the return of a large product such as this. I can tell you my husband is not happy and says we should return both.