Moved my son from a twin bed to a full. This bed looks great very sturdy. He really enjoys his new bed. I would say two people are needed to put this together, but the second person is really just a helper. Makes the assembly time go by fast. I think one person can put it together if they have to. I am so glad I bought his bed online. Furnitures prices are cry right now and the wait times are even worse.
Bed for my son
Moved my son from a twin bed to a full. This bed looks great very sturdy. He really enjoys his new bed. I would say two people are needed to put this together, but the second person is really just a helper. Makes the assembly time go by fast. I think one person can put it together if they have to. I am so glad I bought his bed online. Furnitures prices are cry right now and the wait times are even worse.