Bought this for my 11 year old son. He loves it. We put pillows on the back for him to lean on since the back is not padded. Trundle is perfect for friends. let us pay for this in 4 payments, which was a nice surprise. The only con is the bed had a strong smell from either the wood or the finish on it. Its not bad tho, and has gone away over several weeks time. But overall Would still definitely recommend! Good deal
Great kids bed
Bought this for my 11 year old son. He loves it. We put pillows on the back for him to lean on since the back is not padded. Trundle is perfect for friends. let us pay for this in 4 payments, which was a nice surprise. The only con is the bed had a strong smell from either the wood or the finish on it. Its not bad tho, and has gone away over several weeks time. But overall Would still definitely recommend! Good deal