My kids love it! We had some issues with receiving it and once it came it was missing an important part. sent it to us within a few days and it took my husband about two hours to put it together. The kids love it! They jump every single day. I have 4 children ages 7 and younger and it holds all of them at the same time. My husband even gets in it sometimes and hes 170lbs by himself! Its definitely sturdy! I love the padded ring and the safety net and I feel confident the kids are safe while jumping.
Safe, reliable, and fun!
My kids love it! We had some issues with receiving it and once it came it was missing an important part. sent it to us within a few days and it took my husband about two hours to put it together. The kids love it! They jump every single day. I have 4 children ages 7 and younger and it holds all of them at the same time. My husband even gets in it sometimes and hes 170lbs by himself! Its definitely sturdy! I love the padded ring and the safety net and I feel confident the kids are safe while jumping.