Super cute. Perfect for my toddlers. I wasnt prepared for the top bunk to need such a slim mattress, but we made it work. I feel its sturdy for the kids but I 2nd guess climbing up it to make the bed lol! Its not your average size bunk bed which is perfect for us I knew that before purchasing. I do wish the bottom had Atleast some type of head board on one end though that is one thing I did not really pay attention to before. my cat love it too,haha
Super cute. Perfect for my toddlers. I wasnt prepared for the top bunk to need such a slim mattress, but we made it work. I feel its sturdy for the kids but I 2nd guess climbing up it to make the bed lol! Its not your average size bunk bed which is perfect for us I knew that before purchasing. I do wish the bottom had Atleast some type of head board on one end though that is one thing I did not really pay attention to before. my cat love it too,haha