Looks solid, easy to assemble. You must look at the hole.placement carefully when using the instructions to assemble the bed. Sides came together nicely and then were moved into the room for final assembly. Took about an hour or so to complete. It is definitely quicker and easier with two people helping. We opted to not attach to the wall and it is still fairly stable. Just wish it also offered front or back entry to the loft in addition to the side entry.
My son loves his new bed
Looks solid, easy to assemble. You must look at the hole.placement carefully when using the instructions to assemble the bed. Sides came together nicely and then were moved into the room for final assembly. Took about an hour or so to complete. It is definitely quicker and easier with two people helping. We opted to not attach to the wall and it is still fairly stable. Just wish it also offered front or back entry to the loft in addition to the side entry.