Received the chair with a dime size hole at the upper right back where the crossbar is. Ordered a replacement. Received the replacement today, and the product came worse than the orginal order.
The right side padding from the top was not stitched like the opposite side to secure the pieces. Plus, there was a hole at that side. A hole at the bottom of the chair as well as the two buttons on the armrests of the chair had holes in them as well. Two times receiving this item with defects. Apparently, poor quality control if any. Other than that, the chair is beautiful. Update, I have been in contact with the seller who advised this color chair had defects with the batch. There was also issues with the batch for the color neometer.
Received the chair with a dime size hole at the upper right back where the crossbar is. Ordered a replacement. Received the replacement today, and the product came worse than the orginal order. The right side padding from the top was not stitched like the opposite side to secure the pieces. Plus, there was a hole at that side. A hole at the bottom of the chair as well as the two buttons on the armrests of the chair had holes in them as well. Two times receiving this item with defects. Apparently, poor quality control if any. Other than that, the chair is beautiful. Update, I have been in contact with the seller who advised this color chair had defects with the batch. There was also issues with the batch for the color neometer.