Overall the chair is very easy to put together when it actually clips in. We purchased two and only one actually clipped in on the sides fully. We worked with the company to send one back (big bulky box / pain in the butt). They sent us a replacement that only one side would clip in. At this point we are keeping it but not fully satisfied with the product. Do not want to deal with the returning hassle again!! I hope it is sturdy.
Doesnt clip correctly
Overall the chair is very easy to put together when it actually clips in. We purchased two and only one actually clipped in on the sides fully. We worked with the company to send one back (big bulky box / pain in the butt). They sent us a replacement that only one side would clip in. At this point we are keeping it but not fully satisfied with the product. Do not want to deal with the returning hassle again!! I hope it is sturdy.