I bought this chair for my son. He is 6 and fits perfectly with room to grow. This chair is small for adults. I am 52 120lbs and its kinda snug. Not uncomfortable snug. Just not enough room overall. Perfect for kids and tweens. The grey pattern is so freaking cute. It matches my grey couch perfectly. The quality of this chair is aming. Its chic and comfortable. And its also adjustable! Super happy with this purchase. No assembly needed. Just pull the chair out the box and thats it. So happy.
Super Cute and Super Comfortable.
I bought this chair for my son. He is 6 and fits perfectly with room to grow. This chair is small for adults. I am 52 120lbs and its kinda snug. Not uncomfortable snug. Just not enough room overall. Perfect for kids and tweens. The grey pattern is so freaking cute. It matches my grey couch perfectly. The quality of this chair is aming. Its chic and comfortable. And its also adjustable! Super happy with this purchase. No assembly needed. Just pull the chair out the box and thats it. So happy.