This bunk bed came in a very heavy box! You will most likely benefit having two people to unpack and assemble. Assembly was somewhat easy with photo instruction, but took a good 3 hrs due to the amount of pieces.
Over all it is sturdy and well made. I love the height of each bunk. Its perfect for my two kids, 2 5. The top is not too tall and the bottom is pretty much on the ground, in case of a roll off. We are very happy with this purchase. Very nice
Perfect size for my kids
This bunk bed came in a very heavy box! You will most likely benefit having two people to unpack and assemble. Assembly was somewhat easy with photo instruction, but took a good 3 hrs due to the amount of pieces. Over all it is sturdy and well made. I love the height of each bunk. Its perfect for my two kids, 2 5. The top is not too tall and the bottom is pretty much on the ground, in case of a roll off. We are very happy with this purchase. Very nice