I keep falling off due to having wheels on tiled floor
Nice and sturdy and wheels are very well made. Unfortunately I could not
Hold on over bumps in my ceramic tile kitchen. I cant just sit on it without its moving. Also very hard to adjust height. The handle is under seat and impossible for me to reach while sitting on it. I have to pay my whole body down on it to get it to low setting, which needs to be done each time u want to change the height perhaps good for someone over 200 lbs would weigh it down better This was a nightmare to assemble.
I keep falling off due to having wheels on tiled floor
Nice and sturdy and wheels are very well made. Unfortunately I could not Hold on over bumps in my ceramic tile kitchen. I cant just sit on it without its moving. Also very hard to adjust height. The handle is under seat and impossible for me to reach while sitting on it. I have to pay my whole body down on it to get it to low setting, which needs to be done each time u want to change the height perhaps good for someone over 200 lbs would weigh it down better This was a nightmare to assemble.