Bought this chair and loved the design and the way it looked. It was well packaged and easy to assemble. However, I did run into an issue with the part and the seller was amazing in terms of the support that was provided.
They sent me a new part very quickly.
The chair is now perfectly assembled and looks sturdy. Love the way it looks and feels.
PS: In case you are having trouble with the cross bar, make sure you are using the right screws. The two screws that go into it are taller than the other ones.
Checks all boxes - Must buy
Bought this chair and loved the design and the way it looked. It was well packaged and easy to assemble. However, I did run into an issue with the part and the seller was amazing in terms of the support that was provided. They sent me a new part very quickly. The chair is now perfectly assembled and looks sturdy. Love the way it looks and feels. PS: In case you are having trouble with the cross bar, make sure you are using the right screws. The two screws that go into it are taller than the other ones.