Great sturdy bed for my daughter. Easy to assemble with a second person. Took only about 20 min. The bed is pretty low to the ground which is great for our situation but I probably wouldnt recommended it for an adult. The only reason I gave this 4 stars instead of 5 is because the silver bolts show. There is no cover for them. Overall though, great purchase! After a lot of searching this was definitely a great buy for the money.
Perfect for kids
Great sturdy bed for my daughter. Easy to assemble with a second person. Took only about 20 min. The bed is pretty low to the ground which is great for our situation but I probably wouldnt recommended it for an adult. The only reason I gave this 4 stars instead of 5 is because the silver bolts show. There is no cover for them. Overall though, great purchase! After a lot of searching this was definitely a great buy for the money.