Poor quality product with unnecessarily complicated assembly. The parts are completely misaligned and the connectors don't fit properly. The steps to assemble are also written with 2 people doing the assembly in mind. The headboard provides 0 comfort. This isn't my first time buying a bed frame. Buy something else, this is not worth the price. I only kept it because I was already half way assembling it when I realized how terrible this is, and returning it would have been a bigger hassle.
Poor quality, Horrible product
Poor quality product with unnecessarily complicated assembly. The parts are completely misaligned and the connectors don't fit properly. The steps to assemble are also written with 2 people doing the assembly in mind. The headboard provides 0 comfort. This isn't my first time buying a bed frame. Buy something else, this is not worth the price. I only kept it because I was already half way assembling it when I realized how terrible this is, and returning it would have been a bigger hassle.