The product was easy to assemble took my husband 2 hrs or less to assemble. I do like how wide the stairs are but they arent thick would be better to steady on with the slats at an angle. My daughter has had the bed for a few weeks already loves it! Her sliding down the bed does cause it to move however, so we will probably have to anchor it to the wall. Something we werent wanting to do due to potential damage made if we did, but safety of our child is much more important. But other than that its nice
Easy to assemble my kid loves the slide
The product was easy to assemble took my husband 2 hrs or less to assemble. I do like how wide the stairs are but they arent thick would be better to steady on with the slats at an angle. My daughter has had the bed for a few weeks already loves it! Her sliding down the bed does cause it to move however, so we will probably have to anchor it to the wall. Something we werent wanting to do due to potential damage made if we did, but safety of our child is much more important. But other than that its nice