Very sturdy trampoline, it was fairly easy to assemble by myself and would have been even easier with another person. The directions were clear and the parts were packaged and labeled well. All of the pieces fit together nicely and they even included gloves and the tools needed for assembly. My 8 and 5 year old kids love jumping and with the 375lb weight limit I can jump with them. Very pleased with this purchase and I would definitely recommend it for anyone looking to buy one.
Solid trampoline that seems built to last.
Very sturdy trampoline, it was fairly easy to assemble by myself and would have been even easier with another person. The directions were clear and the parts were packaged and labeled well. All of the pieces fit together nicely and they even included gloves and the tools needed for assembly. My 8 and 5 year old kids love jumping and with the 375lb weight limit I can jump with them. Very pleased with this purchase and I would definitely recommend it for anyone looking to buy one.