For the low cost, I didn't expect perfection. It was fairly easy to assemble with simple instructions to follow. The biggest issues with some holes being misaligned and unable to insert a few bolts into their proper places. The locations of the bolts that had to be left out do not appear to pose any safety issues right now. Some of the wood isn't quite in place and being that it is wood, there isn't much room for flexibility. The drawer face in unable to be attached as the holes were not drilled through in order to attach it, so we will have to drill the holes the rest of the way in order to attach it. Personally I would not buy this bed again but it works for our needs at this time.
Could be better, could be worse
For the low cost, I didn't expect perfection. It was fairly easy to assemble with simple instructions to follow. The biggest issues with some holes being misaligned and unable to insert a few bolts into their proper places. The locations of the bolts that had to be left out do not appear to pose any safety issues right now. Some of the wood isn't quite in place and being that it is wood, there isn't much room for flexibility. The drawer face in unable to be attached as the holes were not drilled through in order to attach it, so we will have to drill the holes the rest of the way in order to attach it. Personally I would not buy this bed again but it works for our needs at this time.