My 8yo daughter loves her new bed! It is much more sturdy than I had hoped. I've bought wood beds online before and they can be very cheap..this bed is strong. Only issues:
1. Be prepared that the package is VERY heavy. I'm pretty strong and needed help just to slide it to her room.
2. Be patient. Assembly isn't difficult and the instructions are clear but there's a million pieces.
3. There was one large piece that wouldn't attach because the pieces didn't quite align. I had to hammer the wood in which wasn't easy because it's like steel but it worked out.
All in all we love it
Great bed
My 8yo daughter loves her new bed! It is much more sturdy than I had hoped. I've bought wood beds online before and they can be very cheap..this bed is strong. Only issues: 1. Be prepared that the package is VERY heavy. I'm pretty strong and needed help just to slide it to her room. 2. Be patient. Assembly isn't difficult and the instructions are clear but there's a million pieces. 3. There was one large piece that wouldn't attach because the pieces didn't quite align. I had to hammer the wood in which wasn't easy because it's like steel but it worked out. All in all we love it