I bought this for my 5 year old daughter and she helped me put it together. It was pretty easy to get the actual frame together (about 45 minutes) but we spent a lot of more time on the stairs/cubbies (nearly 2 hours). There are a lot of little pieces of hardware for the stairs but it's not too bad. The directions were easy to read and everything was labeled well. It's very sturdy. She enjoys playing underneath it.
Good height for younger girl.
I bought this for my 5 year old daughter and she helped me put it together. It was pretty easy to get the actual frame together (about 45 minutes) but we spent a lot of more time on the stairs/cubbies (nearly 2 hours). There are a lot of little pieces of hardware for the stairs but it's not too bad. The directions were easy to read and everything was labeled well. It's very sturdy. She enjoys playing underneath it.