I had read the reviews prior to purchasing and was prepared to be happy with my purchase. Upon receipt the table exceeded my expectations. It is very sturdy, easy to assemble (no tools) and looks as though it cost a lot more than it did. I would highly recommend this table.
Just a note (I was expecting this from a previous review I had read) there are a lot of little styrofoam balls in the packing. We unpacked outside the house and used a vacuum hose to suck it all up. Nice fit.
Console table
I had read the reviews prior to purchasing and was prepared to be happy with my purchase. Upon receipt the table exceeded my expectations. It is very sturdy, easy to assemble (no tools) and looks as though it cost a lot more than it did. I would highly recommend this table. Just a note (I was expecting this from a previous review I had read) there are a lot of little styrofoam balls in the packing. We unpacked outside the house and used a vacuum hose to suck it all up. Nice fit.