The table is really easy to assemble, no tools required which was a relief. It seems sturdy enough, but the wood feels very thin and hollow, Im not confident that it will hold up for very long. The drawers arent great, theres no track// just a wooden box sliding into a wooden opening, which is not quiet and doesnt open/ close smoothly. Im not surprised for the price point, but I will likely be sending it back and ordering something different. The look is really cute though, it would probably work well if it was going to be against the wall with some decor and never actually be touched. Well made, easy to assemble and useful.
Not very solid but will do the trick
The table is really easy to assemble, no tools required which was a relief. It seems sturdy enough, but the wood feels very thin and hollow, Im not confident that it will hold up for very long. The drawers arent great, theres no track// just a wooden box sliding into a wooden opening, which is not quiet and doesnt open/ close smoothly. Im not surprised for the price point, but I will likely be sending it back and ordering something different. The look is really cute though, it would probably work well if it was going to be against the wall with some decor and never actually be touched. Well made, easy to assemble and useful.