I looked for a kitchen island that was affordable and not cheap looking. This one is very sturdy. The wheels lock so that it does not move around. The 2 drawers may not be as sturdy as I would like but if I am careful and do not fill them with heavy items I think it will be ok. The set up takes a few hours or so and will require two people along with much patience to put together. I recommend setting up in the morning or afternoon. If you wait to do it around eveninging (like us) you will definitely be eating dinner later than expected.
This is exactly what I wanted
I looked for a kitchen island that was affordable and not cheap looking. This one is very sturdy. The wheels lock so that it does not move around. The 2 drawers may not be as sturdy as I would like but if I am careful and do not fill them with heavy items I think it will be ok. The set up takes a few hours or so and will require two people along with much patience to put together. I recommend setting up in the morning or afternoon. If you wait to do it around eveninging (like us) you will definitely be eating dinner later than expected.