My 5'2 wife put this together almost entirely by herself. It's sturdy and heavy. I hurt a tendon in my hand moving the bigger box up the stairs by myself. Don't do it, not worth it.
The middle safety rail, which is secured only via hardware into the bottom bed frame (no support from the structure itself or the vertical supports) seems like it might be levered loose over a long period of time. My daughter can hang on it and it doesn't move much, but it does move.
It looks nice and the paint is fairly durable (akin to something you'd find on a crib or a kitchen cabinet). I'm 215lb and I can stand on the ladders just fine, though the bed rocks a bit if I do that.
We are pleased with the quality. Be aware that you'll want to screw down the mattress cross bar supports before you do the ladders. )
UPDATE months later and a lot of kid abuse and this bed is holding up well. We lost one of the short screw in supports for the upper guard rail when a child decided to hang off it, but I drilled out a counter sunk bolt hole and don't expect that to be an issue going forward. There are now a few small dehydration cracks in the wood, but that's a result of living in the desert and using hardwood furniture.
Good quality bed
My 5'2 wife put this together almost entirely by herself. It's sturdy and heavy. I hurt a tendon in my hand moving the bigger box up the stairs by myself. Don't do it, not worth it. The middle safety rail, which is secured only via hardware into the bottom bed frame (no support from the structure itself or the vertical supports) seems like it might be levered loose over a long period of time. My daughter can hang on it and it doesn't move much, but it does move. It looks nice and the paint is fairly durable (akin to something you'd find on a crib or a kitchen cabinet). I'm 215lb and I can stand on the ladders just fine, though the bed rocks a bit if I do that. We are pleased with the quality. Be aware that you'll want to screw down the mattress cross bar supports before you do the ladders. ) UPDATE months later and a lot of kid abuse and this bed is holding up well. We lost one of the short screw in supports for the upper guard rail when a child decided to hang off it, but I drilled out a counter sunk bolt hole and don't expect that to be an issue going forward. There are now a few small dehydration cracks in the wood, but that's a result of living in the desert and using hardwood furniture.