Simple to assemble, all you need is a Phillips screwdriver / In theory
My mom loves it. Product is very sturdy, make sure to tighten all screws and to pay attention to left/right side pieces.
Looks very classy for the price, and it surprisingly didnt feel like extremely cheap wood either.
Only real issue I had was that the drawer knob was not properly machined so I had to use a drill/bit to get some metal chunks out the way. The knob would not fully screw on otherwise.
Simple to assemble, all you need is a Phillips screwdriver / In theory
My mom loves it. Product is very sturdy, make sure to tighten all screws and to pay attention to left/right side pieces. Looks very classy for the price, and it surprisingly didnt feel like extremely cheap wood either. Only real issue I had was that the drawer knob was not properly machined so I had to use a drill/bit to get some metal chunks out the way. The knob would not fully screw on otherwise.