Attractive, sturdy, easy to assemble. But the color
Bought this for Christmas!! Still love it. There are a lot of reviews here saying this table is difficult to assemble. I didnt find that to be the case at all. If you have assembled any furniture in the past this should not be difficult for you to do. The box was heavy and awkward for a short person like me to maneuver up the stairs but it was doable. The pieces are packed extremely well. Take care in unpackaging so that nothing will scratch. I lined up the pieces on a table and put all the small parts into muffin tins so they wouldnt roll around. Follow the instructions and youll be fine. The instructions are not as clear when you get to the drawer assembly and the hardware should be much more clearly marked right or left drawer. There is some indication on the diagram which is which. Pay careful attention to where the holes are on the side panels, and the holes along the sliders (and pattern on the end of the sliders), and you should be ok. I managed to assemble both drawers correctly on the first attempt. A small miracle. I did use a power drill/driver on dead low speed because my 60+ lady hands just couldnt use a manual screwdriver for all those parts. Go slooooooow and do not even think of over/tightening anything. The drawer knobs were surprisingly difficult to screw on but I took the brushed nickel ones from the table I was replacing and used them instead. They look way better than the ones that were included. Those are inexpensive and look it. Do yourself a favor: go to a home store and upgrade the knobs for a few more bucks. You wont regret it. They look so much better than the ones included. I also put felt pads onto the bottoms of the legs so that they would not scratch the hardwood floor. My one and only real complaint is the color. I ordered , the box was marked , but it is not. The table is definitely black. Idk what color the one is that they advertise as black but this one is too. I would way prefer the but I am keeping the table despite the color because where I am using it it is ok. Once assembled the table is sturdy, solid, and very attractive. The drawers glide smoothly (do not pull too far forward, the stops actually dont do their jobs all that great). Other reviewers have mentioned a formaldehyde odor. There is a very, very faint smell that I dont think I would have noticed unless I was trying to find it (and then, only when I open a drawer). I wouldnt hesitate to buy this again. Nothing cheap looking about it at all. There is no way that anybody would know you had put this together yourself. One star taken off because of the inaccurate description of the color.
Attractive, sturdy, easy to assemble. But the color
Bought this for Christmas!! Still love it. There are a lot of reviews here saying this table is difficult to assemble. I didnt find that to be the case at all. If you have assembled any furniture in the past this should not be difficult for you to do. The box was heavy and awkward for a short person like me to maneuver up the stairs but it was doable. The pieces are packed extremely well. Take care in unpackaging so that nothing will scratch. I lined up the pieces on a table and put all the small parts into muffin tins so they wouldnt roll around. Follow the instructions and youll be fine. The instructions are not as clear when you get to the drawer assembly and the hardware should be much more clearly marked right or left drawer. There is some indication on the diagram which is which. Pay careful attention to where the holes are on the side panels, and the holes along the sliders (and pattern on the end of the sliders), and you should be ok. I managed to assemble both drawers correctly on the first attempt. A small miracle. I did use a power drill/driver on dead low speed because my 60+ lady hands just couldnt use a manual screwdriver for all those parts. Go slooooooow and do not even think of over/tightening anything. The drawer knobs were surprisingly difficult to screw on but I took the brushed nickel ones from the table I was replacing and used them instead. They look way better than the ones that were included. Those are inexpensive and look it. Do yourself a favor: go to a home store and upgrade the knobs for a few more bucks. You wont regret it. They look so much better than the ones included. I also put felt pads onto the bottoms of the legs so that they would not scratch the hardwood floor. My one and only real complaint is the color. I ordered , the box was marked , but it is not. The table is definitely black. Idk what color the one is that they advertise as black but this one is too. I would way prefer the but I am keeping the table despite the color because where I am using it it is ok. Once assembled the table is sturdy, solid, and very attractive. The drawers glide smoothly (do not pull too far forward, the stops actually dont do their jobs all that great). Other reviewers have mentioned a formaldehyde odor. There is a very, very faint smell that I dont think I would have noticed unless I was trying to find it (and then, only when I open a drawer). I wouldnt hesitate to buy this again. Nothing cheap looking about it at all. There is no way that anybody would know you had put this together yourself. One star taken off because of the inaccurate description of the color.