They look easy to assemble, but each one took about 20-30 minutes due to all the bracing and cross bracing, and lining up the seat and back. I did it alone, with no help. You must have a table to place them on upside down.
As you can see from the photos, the backs have deep impressions in them, that will not come out. Very disappointed about that. They are sturdy, though (due to all the braces) and comfortable. Goes with my mid-century style home.
Took Longer than I thought to Assemble
They look easy to assemble, but each one took about 20-30 minutes due to all the bracing and cross bracing, and lining up the seat and back. I did it alone, with no help. You must have a table to place them on upside down. As you can see from the photos, the backs have deep impressions in them, that will not come out. Very disappointed about that. They are sturdy, though (due to all the braces) and comfortable. Goes with my mid-century style home.