The product came well packaged with all parts labeled and a detailed instruction booklet for assembly. My husband and I followed step by step and were able to assemble in a little more than an hour. Overall it looks good in our bathroom. I especially like the frosted glass because I didn’t want our stuff out on display. It looks elegant and does its job. Stores quite a bit as the shelf height is adjustable. It is not the most stable but they do have a wall mount for that.
Decent product at a great price
The product came well packaged with all parts labeled and a detailed instruction booklet for assembly. My husband and I followed step by step and were able to assemble in a little more than an hour. Overall it looks good in our bathroom. I especially like the frosted glass because I didn’t want our stuff out on display. It looks elegant and does its job. Stores quite a bit as the shelf height is adjustable. It is not the most stable but they do have a wall mount for that.