I was a little overwhelmed when I opened the box and saw the amount of parts! This did take me 5 hours to put together by myself with 1 Philips head screw driver, however, the instructions were very easy to follow and the process went smoothly. The finished product was well worth it! It feels and looks sturdy and has a nice finish. There were a couple minor scratches upon arrival but I was able to disguise them with a little permanent marker. If you can be patient with the process, its a good value in the end! I love it!
Perfect small kitchen hutch!
I was a little overwhelmed when I opened the box and saw the amount of parts! This did take me 5 hours to put together by myself with 1 Philips head screw driver, however, the instructions were very easy to follow and the process went smoothly. The finished product was well worth it! It feels and looks sturdy and has a nice finish. There were a couple minor scratches upon arrival but I was able to disguise them with a little permanent marker. If you can be patient with the process, its a good value in the end! I love it!