Quality products. This bed was really easy to assemble, my daughter helped. It has a lot of pieces so we cleaned out the room as much as possible before opening the box so we could lay out all the parts. The directions are easy to follow. I wish the top of the slide was supported by more than two screws but we havent had any problems. The ladder foothold are square and small so not comfortable for an adult foot by my daughter doesnt seem to mind and has no trouble climbing up. We put an 8 inch twin mattress on it and there is enough rail to keep her from rolling off. My daughter loves her bed and plays on it frequently. I love that her toys fit underneath it.
Kid approved
Quality products. This bed was really easy to assemble, my daughter helped. It has a lot of pieces so we cleaned out the room as much as possible before opening the box so we could lay out all the parts. The directions are easy to follow. I wish the top of the slide was supported by more than two screws but we havent had any problems. The ladder foothold are square and small so not comfortable for an adult foot by my daughter doesnt seem to mind and has no trouble climbing up. We put an 8 inch twin mattress on it and there is enough rail to keep her from rolling off. My daughter loves her bed and plays on it frequently. I love that her toys fit underneath it.