Cute, sturdy and perfect for a small space. Excellent value
I bought this as a chair/spare bed for my small office. It arrived 99 assembled. I had to screw in 4 wooden legs. Im sitting on it now as I write this review. Very sturdy, super cute (I chose ), easy to convert to a bed. The seat unfolds and the back turns down. The stabilizing legs for the bed position are hidden in a cushioned zippered compartment. I cant feel the metal stabilizer legs as I sit on it. I wouldnt recommend as a long term bedding solution; but perfect for a house guest. This was an absolutely great buy!Wow!! This was a great buy!!
Cute, sturdy and perfect for a small space. Excellent value
I bought this as a chair/spare bed for my small office. It arrived 99 assembled. I had to screw in 4 wooden legs. Im sitting on it now as I write this review. Very sturdy, super cute (I chose ), easy to convert to a bed. The seat unfolds and the back turns down. The stabilizing legs for the bed position are hidden in a cushioned zippered compartment. I cant feel the metal stabilizer legs as I sit on it. I wouldnt recommend as a long term bedding solution; but perfect for a house guest. This was an absolutely great buy!Wow!! This was a great buy!!