We bought this for my 14yo stepdaughters bedroom. The room is very small, a twin bed made it feel so crowded, and she really wanted more hang out space. She absolutely loves it, and loves that she can easily fold it up into a chair or a lounger and has extra room to spread out in. She said it was a bit firm for her, so we bought a inexpensive twin mattress topper, which honestly makes it so much easier for her to roll her bedding up, stick it in the closet for when she wants it to be a chair or lounger, and unroll it for bedtime.
My daughter loves it
We bought this for my 14yo stepdaughters bedroom. The room is very small, a twin bed made it feel so crowded, and she really wanted more hang out space. She absolutely loves it, and loves that she can easily fold it up into a chair or a lounger and has extra room to spread out in. She said it was a bit firm for her, so we bought a inexpensive twin mattress topper, which honestly makes it so much easier for her to roll her bedding up, stick it in the closet for when she wants it to be a chair or lounger, and unroll it for bedtime.