I am so happy with my purchase, the bed is sturdy and so easy to assemble. I, mom, on my own, managed to build the full size bed. The only thing I would say it is missing two holes one one the middle headboard and one on the middle footboard but it wasnt difficult to solve. My three year old loves it! I got an 8 inch mattress for it, and wouldnt recommend a thicker one its perfect!
Overall great!
I am so happy with my purchase, the bed is sturdy and so easy to assemble. I, mom, on my own, managed to build the full size bed. The only thing I would say it is missing two holes one one the middle headboard and one on the middle footboard but it wasnt difficult to solve. My three year old loves it! I got an 8 inch mattress for it, and wouldnt recommend a thicker one its perfect!