Strong oneLoved it at first. Was fairly easy to assemble. Kiddo was super excited for it, space underneath was perfect for his floor couch and Bioko. However, when we tried to disassemble as we were moving, two of the Allen bolts were stripped and it was impossible to get them out. We even went and bought special tools to get them out and they were not budging. Ended up having to bend and break the pieces apart just to get it out of the room. Super disappointing since its only 5 months old.
Good while it lasted
Strong oneLoved it at first. Was fairly easy to assemble. Kiddo was super excited for it, space underneath was perfect for his floor couch and Bioko. However, when we tried to disassemble as we were moving, two of the Allen bolts were stripped and it was impossible to get them out. We even went and bought special tools to get them out and they were not budging. Ended up having to bend and break the pieces apart just to get it out of the room. Super disappointing since its only 5 months old.