Very sturdy.I ordered two on prime day and am super happy with them! It took my husband and I 2 hours to build both. They were really easy to put together, it just took a little while because of all the pieces. The height is perfect for what I wanted, and the space below is perfect as well for what my daughters wanted. As far as sturdiness, they work well for younger children, but probably not for teens, and I definitely wouldnt get up there as an adult lol.
Super happy!
Very sturdy.I ordered two on prime day and am super happy with them! It took my husband and I 2 hours to build both. They were really easy to put together, it just took a little while because of all the pieces. The height is perfect for what I wanted, and the space below is perfect as well for what my daughters wanted. As far as sturdiness, they work well for younger children, but probably not for teens, and I definitely wouldnt get up there as an adult lol.