It was a pain to put it together but once built, it is a pretty bed. Unfortunately, the bed came with 10 missing parts. I reached out to the seller. They said its been shipped but I havent heard back since. Its been about a week and I have reached out a few times but still nothing. I am hoping they will see this and reach out. i really dont want to go to home depot. i would have returned the bed but then i would lose shipping.
Beautiful bed but a pain to put together
It was a pain to put it together but once built, it is a pretty bed. Unfortunately, the bed came with 10 missing parts. I reached out to the seller. They said its been shipped but I havent heard back since. Its been about a week and I have reached out a few times but still nothing. I am hoping they will see this and reach out. i really dont want to go to home depot. i would have returned the bed but then i would lose shipping.