At first I thought the 11 pages of instructions with no words just pictures was going to be horrible. Nicely, l was absolutely wrong. I followed the pics exactly and as a small female put this bed together by myself with no extra tools required. It is sturdy and works perfectly with the Zinus 14 inch mattress I also purchased from . The bed and the mattress together are less than I paid for my last bed frame and both are better quality. Thanks !
At first I thought the 11 pages of instructions with no words just pictures was going to be horrible. Nicely, l was absolutely wrong. I followed the pics exactly and as a small female put this bed together by myself with no extra tools required. It is sturdy and works perfectly with the Zinus 14 inch mattress I also purchased from . The bed and the mattress together are less than I paid for my last bed frame and both are better quality. Thanks !