The bed is nice, good quality, easy to assemble.
The seller however is horrible. The bed was supposed to arrive 6/4.
6/6 after following up with FEDEX and seller I was informed I was given the wrong tracking number.
6/8 - the bed ships is 2 boxes. I received the headboard IN THE WRONG COLOR.
6/11 - 2nd box arrives.
The seller never made any apologies for the issue at all.
Find the bed from another seller!
The bed is nice, good quality, easy to assemble. The seller however is horrible. The bed was supposed to arrive 6/4. 6/6 after following up with FEDEX and seller I was informed I was given the wrong tracking number. 6/8 - the bed ships is 2 boxes. I received the headboard IN THE WRONG COLOR. 6/11 - 2nd box arrives. The seller never made any apologies for the issue at all.