I was a little nervous buying these chairs without testing them out, but am very happy with my purchase. They were fairly easy to put together. It took me a little over an hour to assemble all 3 pieces. The chairs are very sturdy and comfortable. I was surprised about the table. Its larger and taller than I imagined (I didnt pay close attention since I was more interested in the chairs) Its a great height for a relaxed dinner table. I bought another 3 piece set right after assembling everything. So, I will be able to slide the two tables together for an dining area. Again couldnt be happier.
Solid, comfortable and easy to put together
I was a little nervous buying these chairs without testing them out, but am very happy with my purchase. They were fairly easy to put together. It took me a little over an hour to assemble all 3 pieces. The chairs are very sturdy and comfortable. I was surprised about the table. Its larger and taller than I imagined (I didnt pay close attention since I was more interested in the chairs) Its a great height for a relaxed dinner table. I bought another 3 piece set right after assembling everything. So, I will be able to slide the two tables together for an dining area. Again couldnt be happier.