This vanity comes in a lot of parts in a flat box. It is quite easy to assemble if you carefully read and follow the instructions. Everything is labeled and all the hardware comes in separate numbered bags. However, it might take an hour or more and you might have to redo a few steps if you dont pay attention. If you hate assembling furniture this one is not for you.
This vanity is very good value for the money considering alternative products that cost twice as much or more. However there might be a few imperfections that ask for touchup. It is quite sturdy once assembled and the LED lights are very bright. No idea whether they are replaceable since they are glued in with 3M tape.
The seat has a storage compartment which is perfect for a cosmetics gift card in case you assemble this for a spouse, fiance or friend.
Overall a very good deal. This is a very nice, easy to put together sectional for a small space
Good Deal, Sturdy, Lots of Parts
This vanity comes in a lot of parts in a flat box. It is quite easy to assemble if you carefully read and follow the instructions. Everything is labeled and all the hardware comes in separate numbered bags. However, it might take an hour or more and you might have to redo a few steps if you dont pay attention. If you hate assembling furniture this one is not for you. This vanity is very good value for the money considering alternative products that cost twice as much or more. However there might be a few imperfections that ask for touchup. It is quite sturdy once assembled and the LED lights are very bright. No idea whether they are replaceable since they are glued in with 3M tape. The seat has a storage compartment which is perfect for a cosmetics gift card in case you assemble this for a spouse, fiance or friend. Overall a very good deal. This is a very nice, easy to put together sectional for a small space