Kids that are easy going and not as active but not good for very active kids.
The kids love it but if you have VERY active kids I would go for the bigger adult trampoline. It would easily fall over for active bigger kids. My grandson is 3 and very cautious and my granddaughter is 5 and just a little more daring. But my 6 year old niece who can keep up with her 9 year old brother would flip this trampoline without problems.
Kids that are easy going and not as active but not good for very active kids.
The kids love it but if you have VERY active kids I would go for the bigger adult trampoline. It would easily fall over for active bigger kids. My grandson is 3 and very cautious and my granddaughter is 5 and just a little more daring. But my 6 year old niece who can keep up with her 9 year old brother would flip this trampoline without problems.